4 Reasons Churches Should Focus Exclusively on Young People
I want you to think about some numbers:
When it comes to people between the ages of 18 and 25, 78% believe in the existence of God.
At the same time, though, 74% see no value in attending church.
61% think churches have too many problems.
48% say they don’t have time for church.
36% believe church services are boring.
And only 8% would cite a religious leader as a role model.
More and more, young people are leaving the church.
And I would go so far as to suggest that churches should be focusing exclusively on reaching young people between 18 and 25 years old.
But not for the reasons you'd think. Not because young people will save our churches. But for reasons that run much, much deeper.
(Click the link and scroll down.)
100 Days to Incredible Spiritual Growth
What if you could grow more in the first 100 days of 2021 than you have in the past year?
The past 5 years?
The past 20 years?
When a new president is inaugurated, they can often accomplish more in their first 100 days in office than they will in the next 3-7 years.
What if we could apply that to our relationship with Jesus?
This week, I'm going to teach you about a concept called the SPIRITUAL SPRINT, a biblical concept that leads to incredible growth.
I'll also give you some practical tips for how to turn the first 100 days of 2021 into a season of incredible spiritual growth!
(Click the link and scroll down.)
Interview with Caleb & Bethany Kuenzli
Recently, I had a chance to sit down with my friends Caleb and Bethany who lead an incredible ministry called Land of the Living.
Not only that, Caleb and Bethany are incredible musicians who just released an amazing song for Christmas.
In our interview, they share some background on Land of the Living, and inside look at the inspiration behind their new Christmas song called "Human Form," and insights into reaching young people in today's environment.
Also, at the end of the interview, you can hear their new song "Human Form" in its entirety. It's incredible!
If you would like to learn more about Caleb and Bethany's ministry, check out their website: http://Rekindleretreats.org
If you would like to support their ministry, go here.
And if you would like to stream or download "Human Form," you can find a variety of ways to do so by going here: https://song.link/x2Qzd2G9TsMrw
(Click the link and scroll down.)
What to Pray When You Don't Know What to Pray
What do you pray when you don't know what to pray?
Have you ever struggled with prayer?
You didn't know what to pray?
Or you felt like you were just praying the same thing all the time?
Have you ever considered praying other people's prayers?
Did you know that Jesus prayed other people's prayers?
Did you know that the Lord's Prayer is actually a complication of other people's prayers?
This week, learn about a special way that Jesus prayed, one that can revolutionize your prayer life and help you through the times when you just feel stuck.
(Click the link and scroll down.)
Interview with Legin | Race, Justice, and the Church in America | Expect Renaissance
Recently, I had the opportunity to sit down with my friend, gospel hip-hop producer and artist, Legin.
We had a discussion about the work of the Renaissance Movement and Expect Renaissance, a production company and a non-profit that he leads that spread the gospel and address issues of injustice around the world.
He also opened up about his recent video "Feel," which is a powerful commentary on issues of race and injustice in our culture.
You can find the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yMqa3f9S-S0
He broke down for us some of the imagery in the video, and shared his thoughts on how churches can respond to issues of race and injustice in our culture today.
If you'd like to learn more about Legin, The Renaissance Movement, and Expect Renaissance, you can go to:
Follow @legintv (YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, & Twitter)
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Should Christians Give Christmas Presents?
Should Christians give Christmas gifts?
Is there anything wrong with exchanging gifts?
Why do we do it?
What do Christmas gifts have to do with the birth of Jesus?
Was Christmas actually illegal in America?
The tradition of exchanging gifts isn't actually as old as you think.
And it might not have much to do with celebrating the birth of Christ.
But it's such a part of American culture that most of us would have a hard time giving it up. So what should Christians do?
If you're interested in finding out the history of giving gifts at Christmas, and how Christians can do this in a way that best honors Jesus, check out this week's video!
Thanks for watching!
(Click the link and scroll down.)
Why Do Bad People Go to Heaven?
Are bad people in heaven?
Is believing in Jesus and saying a prayer all it really takes?
Does that mean I could lead a terrible life and get into heaven as long as I believe in Jesus before I die?
There seems to be some confusion around who gets saved and how to be saved. Many times, the gospel Christians tell sounds like one in which Jesus rescues us from the wrath of God. And as long as we can pray the Jesus prayer in time, we can be saved from that wrath.
But is that really what Jesus is saying? Is that really the gospel message? If not, what is the gospel?
And if not, what is?
What does it mean to be saved? Who gets saved? And what exactly do we need to do?
Well if you're interested in questions like those, check out this week's video for all the answers.
Thanks for watching!
(Click the link and scroll down.)
Can I Lose My Salvation?
Can a Christian lose their salvation?
Is it true: once saved always saved?
Can you have eternal security?
Jesus promises salvation. But throughout history, many have questioned how we know if we are truly saved. Even major spiritual figures like John Wesley questioned their salvation throughout their entire lives.
So how can we know for sure? And what is it that we are hoping to be sure of?
That we go to heaven when we die? Or something more?
Well, if you're curious to find out the answer to those questions, check out this week's video!
And, as always, thanks for watching!
(Click the link and scroll down.)
What Is the Trinity?
What is the trinity?
The doctrine of the Holy Trinity may be one of the most confusing theological concepts for most Christians.
What exactly does it mean?
Are there three gods?
How does Jesus fit in?
Is it even biblical?
Understanding the trinity isn't easy. So, in this video, I'm going to help you understand both what the Trinity is NOT, where we find the Trinity in scripture, and how you can begin to wrap your mind around this description of who God truly is.
Thanks for watching!
(Click the link and scroll down.)
Does Suicide Equal Hell?
Do people who commit suicide go to hell?
This is question that Christians have wrestled with for ages.
We are living in a time when people are attempting suicide at alarming rates.
In 2018, over 1.4 million people attempted suicide. Over 130 people attempt suicide every single day.
Does the Bible say that all of these persons are going to hell?
How should we understand suicide?
And more importantly, as Christians, how should we respond?
(Click the link and scroll down.)
Should Christians Vote for Trump or Biden?
Should Christians vote for Trump?
Should Christians vote for Biden?
The entire nation is polarized by the question of who to vote for. But are there certain things Christians should consider when voting?
Are there things that should disqualify a candidate?
Are there things we usually consider important, but shouldn't?
How can we know who is the best person to vote for?
And how might our decision have serious spiritual implications in our own lives, and beyond?
If you're interested in finding out the answer to these question, and more, check out this week's video!
And if you would like to see another video I produced this year about how Christians Should Vote, you can find it here:
Thanks for watching!
(Click the link and scroll down.)
Should Christians Celebrate Halloween?
Should Christians Celebrate Halloween?
Is it harmful to our relationship with Jesus?
Is it sinful?
Or is it just a fun day to dress up in costume and collect candy?
There seems to be some tension between Christians and Halloween. Most Christians tends to just go with the flow, embrace it as a social holiday, and not overthink it.
But should we give it some more consideration?
Did you know that Halloween actually has Christian roots?
For 1,500 years, it has marked the celebration of one of the most important holy days, one which few Christians have heard of, and even fewer have practiced.
I believe that celebrating this Christian holy day could have a tremendous impact on our faith, on our kids, and on the future of the church.
If you're interested in finding out what that holy day is, and why it is so important, this video is for you!
(Click the link and scroll down.)
Did "Away" Get It Wrong? | What Is the Exodus Story About?
The Netflix Series "Away" is one of the biggest shows on Netflix right now.
It tells the story of 5 astronauts on a mission to become the first humans to step foot on Mars. Throughout the show, the astronauts faces a series of challenges that threaten their lives and the mission.
At one particularly difficult point, one of the astronauts has a flashback to a theological lesson his father taught him.
His father told him the story of the Exodus. He describes it as a story of the triumph of teamwork and the human spirit.
But is this really what the Exodus story is about?
The answer to this question can have a significant impact both on your relationship with Jesus and your ability to make a difference in this world.
(Click the link and scroll down.)
10 Reasons Jesus Came to Earth
Why did Jesus come to earth?
Why did God need to send a Messiah?
Why did God become human and dwell among us?
These are some of the most basic Christian questions. But do we know the answers?
As Christians, we often know some of these answers.
But is there much to be gained by truly understanding the many reasons God sent God's only begotten Son on to earth?
Understanding who Jesus is and why he came to earth helps us to more fully appreciate God's love for us, what happened when Jesus came over 2,000 years ago, and why that has significant impact on our lives right now, today.
(Click the link and scroll down.)
Cross or Crucifix?
Cross or Crucifix?
What is the difference?
Why do some Christians wear one and not the other?
Should you wear one over the other?
Depending on your denominational background, you probably have a preference between the cross and the crucifix. You might even have reasons you think one is preferable to the other.
But do you understand the history of the two? How they arose, why they arose, and why we wear them?
In this video, I'm going to explore five essential facts about crosses and crucifixes, and hopefully help you to determine which one is best for you.
Thanks for watching!
(Click the link and scroll down.)
4 Reasons Jesus Came When He Did
Why did Jesus come when he did?
Why 2,000 years ago? Why not today?
Was there something special about that moment? Was the first century the perfect time for the Messiah to arrive?
When you look at the events and circumstances present at the time of Jesus, it appears that there may have been no better time in history for God's Messiah to come on the scene.
While we can never truly understand the mind of God, in this video, I want to share with you 4 compelling reasons why Jesus came when he did.
Thanks for watching!
(Click the link and scroll down.)
How to Pray Effectively
Do you ever feel like your prayers aren't working?
What could you be doing wrong?
Have you ever wanted to know how to pray more effectively?
Prayer doesn't have to be as difficult as it seems sometimes. There are some simple practices you can begin that will help you to hear God's voice and feel a stronger connection with God as you pray.
Some of the tips on how to pray effectively may seem basic. Others are things most people won't tell you about.
If this is something you're looking for, check out the video.
And as always, thanks for watching!
(Click the link and scroll down.)
What is Communion? (Communion Explained)
Why do we celebrate Holy Communion?
What is the importance of the Lord's Supper?
What exactly is going on in the Eucharist?
If your experience is anything like mine, you may have participated in Communion many times without ever really understanding what it means.
We know that it has to do with Jesus. We know that he commanded us to do it. But What what is communion and why do we celebrate?
If you're interested in finding out, check this out!
(Click the link and scroll down.)
Netflix & Chill: Choosing the Right Relationship
We live in a Netflix and Chill culture.
There are so many dating options, how do you know who the right person is? Or even how to find them? How do you find love? How do you find your soulmate? How do you keep from bouncing from once short term relationship, or one hook-up, to the next?
Can God offer any guidance when it comes to dating?
Or is the Bible too outdated for this?
In this first installment of our Netflix and Chill series, we're going to look at some key factors in finding the right person.
I'll reveal several things that might be keeping you from finding the right person, and explain some of your dating struggles.
Then I'll show you a few things you can do that will truly help you to find the right person.
(Click the link and scroll down.)
Understanding the Bible | How to Read the Bible | 5 Things to Remember
Why is the Bible so confusing?
Why doesn't it make sense sometimes?
In this video, I want to help you to better understand scripture.
For most people, the only tool they have when reading the Bible is their own brains. They read a passage of scripture and try to interpret it to the best of their ability.
But there are tools for Bible study that can make this so much easier.
I'm going to share with you 5 essential things to remember when reading the Bible, and 4 insights that will help you to better understand scripture.
Thanks for watching!
(Click the link and scroll down.)
What Does the Bible Say About Heaven? | 5 Truths About Heaven
We all know why we want to go to heaven. We even have beliefs about why we should go to heaven.
But what does the Bible say about heaven?
Is there life after death?
What will heaven be like?
What does Revelation mean by a new heaven and a new earth?
What is the truth about heaven?
In this video, we will take a look at several key passages that show us what heaven is like, how we get there, and what we need to do right now.
Thanks for watching!
(Click the link and scroll down.)
Why Churches Struggle Online | 4 Problems | 3 Solutions
Many churches are struggling in the pandemic.
Attendance is dropping. Online services don't have the interest they used to.
One recent study shows that...
- only 50% of Christians attend their church's online worship service
- 33% have switched to another church's online service
- and another 33% have given up on online church altogether
What happened?
Why are so many churches struggling? And more specifically, why is your church struggling?
This week, I'm going to show you both some key reasons your church may be struggling, and also what you can do to change that.
Thanks for watching!
(Click the link and scroll down.)
Top 10 Leadership Principles for Christian Leaders
Ken Blanchard is one of the all-time best selling authors on the subjects leadership and management. But what many people don't know is that he was also a Christian who wasn't afraid to connect his teachings with his faith.
Drawing from several of his best-selling books, we are going to take a look at 10 Leadership Principles that will help you both as a leader in your career, and as a leader in your church.
Whether you are a leader on church council, a business owner, an executive, a teacher, or just a volunteer hoping to make a greater impact, these principles will help you to both inspire and support people in powerful ways.
(Click the link and scroll down.)
Are Large Churches Bad?
Should Churches Stay Small?
Is it bad for churches to be large?
How does God feel about mega churches?
Do we see this anywhere in scripture? Are we straying from the church of the Bible?
This week, we are going to wrestle with the question of church size and how to know if a church is successful.
Should mega churches be smaller?
Should small churches focus on growing larger?
In the end, how do we truly define success for a church?
What does scripture say?
And what changes should churches make to better reflect the picture we see in the Bible?
(Click the link and scroll down.)
Is Trump the New Hamilton
Is Trump the new Hamilton?
I know it might sounds like a strange question. But as I read the biography of Alexander Hamilton, I realized quickly how many similarities there are between the president and the founding father.
Both got their start in New York.
Both got caught up in scandal.
Both believed in a strong executive.
And a lot more.
But is there more to their similarities (and differences) than we might think?
Might this very question have a significant impact on Christians and their desire to be followers of Jesus?
(Click the link and scroll down.)
Are We In the End Times?
Is Revelation Coming True?
Are we in the End Times?
What on earth is happening? A pandemic? News of another possible plague?
Is the book of Revelation coming true?
Are these the seven plagues John warned about?
Are masks the mark of the beast we will be required to wear in order to do commerce?
If so, what is coming next?
Should we be worried?
What does the Bible really say?
This week, we will take a look at what Revelation says about the times we are in, and what that means for our lives right now.
(Click the link and scroll down.)
Should Churches Stay Online?
Since the coronavirus began, churches have been forced to move online.
Worship services, meetings, small groups, everything has moved online.
But the question is, should churches stay online?
What should churches do when this is all over? Should we focus solely on in-person worship? Should we just stay online?
What if you're a church who has yet to have an online presence? Should you get started?
If so, how do you get started? What are some best practices for having a great online presence?
This week, we will talk about the benefits of churches being online, and look at 5 best practices for how your church can produce good content that allows you to reach even more people than before.
(Click the link and scroll down.)
Should Christians Wear Masks?
Should Christians wear masks?
The issue of wearing masks has become one of the biggest debates across the country.
Some believe that the virus is over-hyped. There is no need for a mask.
Others believe that a mask is essential every time you leave the house.
Some contend that it is an infringement upon our liberty to force people to wear a mask.
Others contend that it is sinful to refuse.
What is the right perspective?
And more specifically, what should the Christian perspective be?
Check out this week's video to find out.
(Click the link and scroll down.)
[Coronavirus] Can God Actually Help?
Can God actually help us?
Does God want to?
When things are going so badly, where is God? Why doesn't God do anything? Does God even really care about us?
This week, we will answer these questions.
But more than that, we will help you to see who God really is, and why that makes the answer to these questions so obvious.
Check it out!
(Click the link and scroll down.)
[Coronavirus] Should We Return to Normal?
I hear it all the time: when can we get back to normal?
When can church get back to normal? When can my life get back to normal?
But here's the tough question: should we? Should we go back to normal?
What if God is opening doors right now that will lead us into an even better future?
Are we missing these divine opportunities if we are so focused on looking backward and returning to normal?
And will we regret it once this is all over?
This week, learn both why we should give up on returning to normal, and how we can be prepared for an even better future!
(Click the link and scroll down.)
Should Christians Be Rich? | Is Wealth a Sin?
Should Christians be rich?
We've all wondered this at some point. Is it ok to be rich? Is wealth a sin? Does God really care?
Some pastors tell you that money is evil and that material possessions are sinful.
Other pastors will tell you that God wants you to be rich. They promise a prosperity gospel whereby God blesses you with immense wealth.
Who is right? Is either side correct?
And most importantly, what does Jesus have to say about this?
This week, find out whether or not it's ok to be rich, and what steps Jesus wants you to take.
(Click the link and scroll down.)
5 Minutes of Hope | What If Everything Could Change Tomorrow?
Do you ever wish you could wake up tomorrow, and everything would be different?
The coronavirus would be over?
Your problems would be solved?
Your relationships restored?
Your temptations removed?
Your future hopeful?
Wouldn't it be amazing if we didn't have to wait forever for these things? If they could just happen when we awoke tomorrow?
In many ways, this is exactly what Jesus taught us to pray for.
Which means that, if Jesus taught us to pray for it, it must be possible.
This week, learn not only what Jesus taught us to pray, but how it gives us hope that everything in our lives - even the worst things - could all be different tomorrow.
(Click the link and scroll down.)
5 Minutes of Hope | Is There A Better Way to Pray?
Do you ever feel bored with prayer?
Or just find that you don't pray?
It's not that you don't value prayer. It's not that you don't think it works. You just don't do it.
Your prayer life feels stale.
What if there is a better way to pray?
This week, I will show you a new prayer practice I discovered recently that has revitalized my prayer life.
And better yet, I've included a prayer for you to bless you and help you through these difficult times.
Thanks for watching!
(Click the link and scroll down.)
5 Minutes of Hope | When I Met True Greatness
When I was 17 years old, I met true greatness.
I didn't realize it at the time, but I was throwing a baseball with the kid who would become Rookie of the Year, Cy Young Award, MVP, World Series Champion, Justin Verlander.
But that's not what I think makes him truly great.
Justin Verlander and his wife Kate Upton recently made a decision to donate his weekly MLB paycheck to an organization doing great work to address the coronavirus situation.
With just a quick Google search, you will find that many other celebrities are making similar sacrifices.
Zion Williamson
Ed Bastian (Delta CEO)
Blake Lively & Ryan Reynolds
Taylor Swift
Lady Gaga
And so many more.
So many will look at celebrities like these and say that they should do this, or that their contribution is meager compared to their net worth.
But I think this is unfair. And hypocritical.
All of us have ways that we can help and serve those impacted by the coronavirus. And these stories should inspire our sacrifice.
More specifically, as Christians, this is exactly what Jesus did and instructed us to do.
And in this week's video, you'll see why this is such a message of hope.
(Click the link and scroll down.)
5 Minutes of Hope | Acts of Generosity
There is hope in the world today. It might be hard to see. You might not believe it. But there is hope.
What if we could live in a world without any need?
What if there everyone had a mask to wear?
What if everyone had food on the table?
What if even people who had lost their jobs didn't have to fear about their survival?
Each week, I see different things that show me that not only can things get better, there is good happening right now.
For instance, this past week, I noticed a surprising act of generosity. At a time when we all feel helpless, some people found a way to support those in need.
For me, this was a picture of how Christians should live. It was a reflection of the earliest days of the church, when people shared everything they had, and no one was in need.
Check out the video to see what happened, and fill yourself with a little hope this week!
(Click the link and scroll down.)
5 Minutes of Hope | You Are So Lucky!
What would you say if I told you that Jesus would look at us in the midst of a pandemic and say, "You all are lucky!"?
You probably wouldn't believe it. And yet, when we look at Jesus' teachings, we can see that this is exactly what he would say.
Somehow, despite everything you're going through right now, God says that you can feel good.
How? Why?
Check out this week's video to find out.
(Click the link and scroll down.)
5 Minutes of Hope | Jesus' Last Words
This week, I want to give you a few more minutes of hope in these hard times.
Surprisingly, we find this hope in the last words Jesus spoke.
In his words "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me," Jesus gives us the promise that the pain we are in now is not the end.
If you're struggling right now, wondering where God is in the midst of this, these words will bring you comfort and peace.
Check it out!
(Click the link and scroll down.)
5 Minutes of Hope | There's Always Another Chapter
In these hard times we are facing these days, we are all looking for a little hope.
I want to begin to devote some time each week to sharing just a few minutes of good news in the midst of all the despair around us.
This week, we're going to look at a passage in the Bible that changed my life, a passage from 1 Samuel 4, which shows us that no matter how bleak things may seem, there is always another chapter.
Our story isn't finished.
And God has not left us.
(Click the link and scroll down.)
Christianity Explained:
What is a Disciple?
What is a disciple?
Most Christians have heard the term. But do we really know what it means?
Churches say their mission is to "make disciples." But are we all clear on what a disciple looks like? How someone becomes one?
This week, we're going to break down exactly what a disciple is, based on how Jesus himself understood it.
Understanding "discipleship" is essential for Christians. Check it out!
To learn more about discipleship at the time of Jesus and the call of Jesus' disciples, check out Rob Bell's Nooma video: Dust:
To learn more about the Information, Imitation, Innovation triangle, check out resources by Mike Breen at:
(Click the link and scroll down.)
Can Christians Defeat the
Will the coronavirus mean the end of many churches?
People can't worship together in person. Offerings are down. Buildings are closed. The country is under quarantine.
If this goes on for months, there are fears that many churches may not be able to survive.
But is there hope? Can Christians defeat the Coronavirus Pandemic?
This week, I'll demonstrate how the Acts 2 church shows us that churches can not only survive COVID-19, they can thrive more than ever.
(Click the link and scroll down.)
Coronavirus: 10 Ways Christians Can Help
So much has changed in the last week. Most of us have quarantined ourselves in our homes, distancing ourselves from others in order to flatten the curve.
I've received many questions, though, from Christians wondering what they can do to help other during this time. Do we simply have to stay in our homes and wait this out? Or are there ways to be a blessing to others for the duration of this crisis?
This week, we'll look at 10 Ways Christians Can Help others in the midst of the Coronavirus.
(Click the link and scroll down.)
Coronavirus: How Churches Can Respond
Much has changed in the past week. COVID-19, commonly called the "coronavirus" has become a global pandemic.
Colleges are moving all classes to an online format. The NBA has suspended its seasons. Businesses are telling employees to work from home.
What can churches do? What are some ways we can respond in the midst of this crisis?
This week, I want to share with you a host of ideas for how a church can be prepared not only to combat the virus, but to ease fears and tension within our church and community.
(Click the link and scroll down.)
Jesus Never Said That Either
4 More Things Jesus Didn't Say
Sometimes it's hard to keep track.
Is that really in the Bible? Did Jesus really say that? Or did I hear it some place else?
This week, we're going to take another look at 4 Things Jesus Didn't Say...but most people think he did.
And whether or not you believe these things could have a dramatic impact on your relationship with God and your life as a Christian.
Check it out!
(Click the link and scroll down.)
How to Reach Young People
It is a struggle to reach young people. Few churches are immune.
People under 40 make up 50% of the US population. However, they don't come anywhere close to making up half of church attendance.
Today, there are 4 former Christians for every new Christian. Over 1/3 of people under 30 claim no religion at all.
The church is facing an huge challenge. And if things don't change, the trend is only going to get worse over the next decade.
So what can churches do? How can your church reach young people?
This week, I'm going to share some insights based on recent research that will help all churches better reach these generations who are walking away from church.
(Click the link and scroll down.)
Christians Don't Believe That!
3 Awful Things Prominent Christians Have Said that Christians Don't Believe
Christians have a bad reputation in our country.
Sometimes that's our own fault. And sometimes it is because prominent Christians say and teach ridiculous things that neither Jesus nor the Bible support.
This week, take a look at three awful things prominent Christians have said recently that most Christians don't actually believe.
Thanks for checking it out!
(Click the link and scroll down.)
How to Be a Great #girldad |
How to Treat Women
Recently, #girldad has been trending across the internet.
Dads are posting pictures of themselves and their daughters on Facebook and Instagram. They're sharing their experiences on YouTube.
I will admit that having daughters has changed my life and forever impacted the way I view women.
This week, we're going to look at what it takes to be a great #girldad, and how we should treat all the women around us.
Note: My apologies for the audio in this week's video. We were having issues.
(Click the link and scroll down.)
How Christians Should Vote
We are entering into election season. Primaries are beginning. Super Tuesday will be here soon. And before the end of the year, we will elect a president.
So how should you vote? Is there a right way Christians should lean in their politics?
How would Jesus vote?
This week, I'm going to share with you three scriptures that should guide the way you vote and make political decisions.
Thanks for checking it out!
(Click the link and scroll down.)
Why People Hate Christians and Love to see the Church Fail
The most watched videos I produce seem to be the ones focusing on the struggles of the church.
Why is it that people are so interested in seeing the church fail?
Why do news outlets love to cover it?
What caused Christians to have such a bad relationship with the culture around us? And is there anything we can do about it?
Find out in this week's video!
(Click the link and scroll down.)
Overcoming Anxiety and Depression | 4 Biblical Insights
18% of Americans suffer from anxiety.
That number increases to 25% for 13-18 year olds.
40% of Americans say they are more anxious today than they were a year ago.
Suicide rates are on the rise.
Chances are, you or someone you love is impacted by anxiety, depression, or even suicide.
Can the Bible help? Does scripture say anything about this?
This week, learn 4 biblical teachings about how to overcome anxiety and depression.
(Click the link and scroll down.)
The UMC "Split" | 5 Things You
Need to Know
Did the United Methodist Church Split?
Is it going to?
A few weeks ago, major news outlets reported that the UMC had decided to split over the issue of LGBTQ+ inclusion.
And while this is partially true, there are several things you need to know about exactly what was decided, and what will happen in the coming months.
This week, I'll explain 5 things you need to know about the UMC "Split."
Wesley Covenant Prayer Link:
UMC Protocol Link:
(Click the link and scroll down.)
3 Reasons Why America Quit
Religion | 3 Ways to Respond
In the late 90s and early 2000s, the number of people in America indicating that they were not a part of any religion began to rise. By the within 20 years, the percentage had increased from 6% to 23%.
What caused Americans to quit religion? And is there anything that can be done about it?
This week, learn three events that caused Americans quit religion, and three ways Christians can reverse the trend.
(Click the link and scroll down.)
Stop Making Resolutions | How
To Have a Better 2020
One of the best things you can do to start 2020 it to stop making New Year's Resolutions.
This week, learn not only why it's important to stop making resolutions, but also what you can do to have an event better 2020.
We're going to look at four things you can do that will help you make the first 100 days of 2020 better than the last 10 years of the previous decade.
(Click the link and scroll down.)
10 Things You Didn't Know
About Christmas
Merry Christmas!
This week, we're going to do something fun. I'm going to share with you 10 things you never knew about Christmas.
Enjoy! And may you be blessed this Christmas as you spend time with friends and family, and celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!
(Click the link and scroll down.)
How To Speak Without Notes
Have you ever wondered how people can stand up and speak for hours without notes?
Comedians? TED Talk presenters? Jesus?
There's something captivating about someone who can speak without the need for notes. And the best part is, anyone can do it.
In fact, speaking without notes is a skill God can use to help every follower of Jesus transform lives and help people grow spiritually.
In this video, I'll show you my weekly routine that takes less than 30 minutes a day over four days. These steps will help you to be able to give a 15, 30, or even 60 minute talk without ever having to use notes.
Check it out!
(Click the link and scroll down.)
I Wrote the Bible | 6 Benefits to Writing Out Scripture
A few months ago, I read an article about a man who spent several years writing out the entire Bible by hand.
I began to wonder what that experience might be like.
Could there be some real spiritual benefits to writing out the Bible, rather than just reading it?
Over the course of a few months, as I transcribed several books of the Bible, I experienced 6 unique benefits to my spiritual life.
Here they are!
(Click the link and scroll down.)
5 Proofs That the Gospels
Are True
Is it possible to prove that what the Bible says about Jesus is true?
Did he really rise from the dead?
Is he actually the Messiah? The Son of God?
How can we know for sure? What if his disciples and early followers just lied about it all?
In this video, we'll look at 5 reasons to believe that what the Bible says about Jesus is true.
(Click the link and scroll down.)
"Jesus Is King" | 4 Things
Christians Need to Hear from this Album
Recently, an album called "Jesus Is King" was the #1 album in America. It's an album by Kanye West.
You might never have heard it. But there's a good chance your kids have. Or your grandkids. And definitely their friends.
It's an album that is getting a generation of young people who stopped going to church to suddenly start talking about Jesus again.
And in it are some powerful lessons that Christians need to hear.
That's what this week's video is all about.
(Click the link and scroll down.)
4 Lies We Tell Pastors
Whether it's in seminary...
Or in the ordination process...
In a conversation with church leadership...
Or even in advice from your friends...
There are so many lies told about what it takes to be a good pastor, or what that life will be like.
This week, we're going to unveil 4 lies we tell pastors.
(Click the link and scroll down.)
6 Reasons People Don't
Return to a Church
They attend one Sunday. Everyone gets excited. A new person has come to the church.
But then you never see them again.
What happened? Why didn't they come back?
This week, learn 6 of the most common reasons that people don't return to a church after attending for the first time.
(Click the link and scroll down.)
3 Steps to Discover God's Vision for Your Life
Does God have a vision for your life? And if so, what does that even mean?
Does that mean God is controlling what you do? That you're just along for the ride? Or is it something else altogether?
How do you discover that vision? Do you have to spend your life in the dark? Or are there steps you can take to understand?
This week, learn three simple steps that will help you to discover what God's vision is for your life.
(Click the link and scroll down.)
Should Christians Wear Crosses?
For most of high school and college, I wore a cross around my neck. It was part of my identity. It marked me as a Christian.
But should I have been wearing it? Should any Christian wear a cross?
Do we realize what it really is that we are wearing?
What a cross actually signifies?
Does it just mark us as a Christian? Or are we promising something much more than that?
This week, learn not only the history of the cross, but what promise you're making when you display one on your body.
(Click the link and scroll down.)
Are Christians Hurting the Poor?
Does mission work really work?
Or in many cases, might it actually be doing more bad than good? Might it be hurting the poor more than helping?
How can we love the poor and serve those in need in ways that create real transformation?
How can our mission work be more incarnational, more like the work Jesus himself did?
Find out in this week's video.
(Click the link and scroll down.)
5 Things Christians Need To
Stop Saying
We mean well. But sometimes the things we say as Christians are just wrong.
They're theologically inaccurate.
They're not found anywhere in the Bible.
And sometimes, they're unwittingly insensitive.
This week, learn 5 things that Christians need to stop saying - and in some cases, what to stay instead.
(Click the link and scroll down.)
4 Ways to Get More
Out of Sunday Morning
Do you ever leave church on Sunday feeling disappointed?
You were hoping God would say something important to you?
Or that you'd feel the presence of God?
Or that you'd leave with a sense of hope to get you through the week?
But you didn't. And you don't know why.
This week, we're going to look at 4 things you can do to get more out of worship not just this Sunday, but every Sunday.
(Click the link and scroll down.)
Is There A Right Way to Pray?
It's one of the most common questions I get: How do I pray?
On the surface, it seems so simple. Prayer should just be a conversation with God.
But how do you do that? How do you talk to someone who doesn't seem to talk back? What do you say? What shouldn't you say?
Fortunately for us, Jesus answers this question.
Learn a simple strategy for prayer in this week's lesson.
Here's a link that shows you the many names of God in the Bible...
(Click the link and scroll down.)
Why Churches Are Failing
Is it the constant criticism? Or the way we prepare for Sunday? Or the mistakes we make in the service?
What is the reason so many churches are struggling these days? Why do we keep reading so many articles about how the church is in decline? Is there anything we can do about it?
This week, we'll look at four things that keep churches from growing.
And make sure to stick around for the last one. It's the most important, and also the most surprising!
(Click the link and scroll down.)
How to Start a Relationship
with Jesus
Does God want a relationship with you? And if so, what does that even look like? How do you start?
Whether you've been in church your whole life, or you've never stepped foot inside the door of a church, this video is meant to help you take the first steps to get your relationship with God off the ground.
And the best part is, you'll learn it all in just 5 minutes.
Passages where Jesus helps us understand God...
John 3:1-21 (God loves us enough to save us.)
Matthew 25:34-40 (God loves the “least of these.”)
Matthew 6:25-34 (God wants to provide for you.)
Luke 11:1-12 (God answers your prayers and meets your needs.)
John 14 (God plans to do great things through you, and give you the tools to do them.)
(Click the link and scroll down.)
How to Study the Bible
Do you feel like you know how to study the Bible?
Like truly study it?
I know many people who read the Bible, but tell me they struggle to understand it. They want to read it regularly, but they don't feel like they know how to get the most out of it.
This week, I'm going to give you a quick 5-minute lesson (ok, more like 7 minutes) on how to study the Bible.
These are the same 3 steps I learned when I became a small group leader over 15 years ago. I still use them today!
Studying the Bible just got easier. Check it out!
(Click the link and scroll down.)
That's Not In the Bible!
5 Things You Thought Were In
the Bible...But Aren't
There are a lot of phrases people use, or stories they teach their kids, that they believe are in the Bible, but actually aren't.
This week, we're going to look at 5 things you thought were in the Bible, but actually aren't.
(Click the link and scroll down.)
The Overlooked Secret
to Spiritual Growth
Reading is the most overlooked secret to spiritual growth.
It helps you interpret scripture, apply scripture, and teach scripture.
It's a critical resource to being a disciple of Jesus and growing God's kingdom.
But most people don't read - or at least not very much.
But what if you could read more? And what if it was easier than you think?
Here are some insights I learned from a yearlong journey to read 100 books, a journey that forever changed my life and ministry.
(Click the link and scroll down.)
Have We Become Pharisees?
As Christians, we're often taught that Pharisees were Jesus' enemies. Jesus often speaks directly against their teachings.
But, what if we, Christians, have become pharisees?
What if we espouse some of their same teachings without even realizing it?
Is it possible that Jesus might criticize us for the very same things he didn't like about them?
This week, we'll explore 3 essential questions that will help us figure that out.
(Click the link and scroll down.)
Why Nothing Happens
When You Go To Church
Have you ever been moved by something? A commercial that showed hungry children? Statistics about endangered species? A sermon Sunday morning?
And you knew you needed to respond. You knew you were supposed to act upon these feelings...
But you did nothing.
One of the biggest barriers to our spiritual growth isn't our actions. It's our inaction.
How do we get past our good intentions to concrete steps that really make a difference?
Find out this week.
(Click the link and scroll down.)
Will Our Church Disappear?
Only 50% of Americans are church members today. That's down from 70% just 20 years ago.
The numbers are worse when considering younger generations. Only 42% of young adults are church members. That's down from 62% in 1999.
Young people, by and large, just don't consider the church relevant anymore. 49% can't think of one positive thing that the church has done. 90% of those who no longer go to church have previous church experience. They just weren't convinced it was worth their time.
If this trend continues, the church is in trouble. Not only will this generation stay away from the church, they won't bring their kids.
This will impact the church not just for one generation, but for the generation after that...and that one after that...and the one after that.
How do we change this?
Watch this week's video to learn five things that must be done in order to turn this around.
(Click the link and scroll down.)
The Scariest Book in the World
Over half of Christians don't read the Bible. Like never. Not even once a week.
Has this ever described you? Does it describe you now?
It makes sense. The Bible can be intimidating. The most common reason people don't read the Bible is fear.
Most people don't even feel like they know how to read it. They don't know where to start.
So how do we overcome this fear?
In a previous video, we gave you ideas for how to begin reading the Bible (scroll down to see it).
This week, we're going to dive in even deeper and help you know exactly what to do: what kind of Bible to buy, which books to start with, etc. We'll help you take the guess work out of it and overcome the fear.
NIV Study Bible Links:
Amazon: Click Here
Christianbook.com: Click Here
(Click the link and scroll down.)
The Most Important Question Every Christian Should Ask
How do I grow in my faith?
What do I love about my church?
What is the best way to share my faith?
These are all great questions. Important questions. But there's one question that's more important than all of them. In fact, it may be the most important question that every Christian should be asking.
Watch this week's weekly video to find out what it is, and how to answer it.
(Click the link and scroll down.)
Are You Spiritually Spoiled?
3 Ways to Tell | 4 Ways to Overcome It
When I graduated from high school and went off to college, it occurred to me how spoiled I'd been living at home. So much of my life had been taken care of. Now, all of a sudden, I had to start taking care of myself in a lot of ways.
Have you ever noticed, though, how we can sometimes find ourselves in a position of being spiritually spoiled?
Everything is taken care of for us.
We expect others to help us grow.
We feel entitled to certain things and don't realize how good we've got it.
Check out this week's video and find out 3 ways to tell if you've become spiritually spoiled, and four ways to overcome it!
(Click the link and scroll down.)
Jesus Never Said That?
4 Things Jesus Never Said
Do you remember being told things as a kid that turned out not to be true?
Like turning the light on in your car while driving was against the law?
Or wearing a hat would make you go bald? (I didn't wear a hat after the age of 13...and we see how that turned out!)
Or that Pluto is a planet? (not anymore!)
What if you found out that a lot of the things, which you'd been told Jesus said, actually weren't true? What if he never in fact said some of the things you've believed your entire life?
This week, learn 4 things that Jesus never said. And more importantly, find out what he did say, and why that's so much better than what you believed before!
(Click the link and scroll down.)
Are We Killing Our Kids with Stress? | 3 Solutions
It is harder to be a young person - whether you're a child, a teenager, or even a college student - than perhaps any time in history. While their world is full of convenience and opportunity, their lives are filled with immense pressure.
Anxiety and depression are reaching epidemic proportions. From 1999 to 2014, the suicide rate increased by 24%.
Much of this is due to the fact that, from a young age, children and youth are driven too succeed. Every decision, every test score, every activity threatens to either seal or sink their future success.
But does it? In the end, does it really matter how high you rank in your graduating class, or what school you get into? Is the stress really worth it?
And if not, are we inadvertently leading our children down a path that could harm them for the rest of their lives?
Is there any way to change this? And where does God fit into it all?
(Click the link and scroll down.)
Why God Doesn't Answer
Your Prayers | Part 2
Last week, we gave you a few ideas on why God might not be answering your prayer - or more specifically, why it might seem like God isn't answering.
This week, we'll reveal three more reason, and help you to see how even Jesus had this same struggle.
(Click the link and scroll down.)
Why God Doesn't Answer
Your Prayers | Part 1
Last week, my friend told me of how his daughter's beta fish died. When she found out, she prayed that God would save the fish. But God didn't. She couldn't understand why. Why didn't God do what she had asked?
Have you ever felt this way? Have you ever wondered why God sometimes doesn't answer your prayers?
Check out the first of our two-part series on why God doesn't answer our prayers, or at least why it doesn't seem like it sometimes.
(Click the link and scroll down.)
The Dad You're Glad
You Never Had!
Bad Bible Dads & 3 Ways to be a Better Father, Parent, or Grandparent
Father's Day is this Sunday, and we're taking a look at some of the famous Bible dads.
Learn how one of the biblical dads made a mistake that many of us still make today, as well as 3 concrete ideas for how to overcome it.
Don't Go to Church!
How to Grow Spiritually this Summer
Do you want to know one big way to grow spiritually this summer? Don't go to church.
You see, there's a concept called the Pareto Principle, which suggests that 20% of the things you do account for 80% of the results. That means that 20% of your spiritual practices, 20% of the things you do to grow in your relationship with God, account for 80% of your results.
In this video, I reveal 3 ideas that, if you adhere to them, will make a greater spiritual impact than almost anything else you'll do this summer.
The Most Important, Most Ignored Passage in the Bible
Do you ever have that moment when you are talking to someone, and you know they can hear you, but it just doesn't feel like they're paying attention?
Well, odds are, without intending to, you, me, and most Christians are ignoring one of the most important passages in the entire Bible.
This week, learn not only what this passage is, but how you can begin to start living out one of the most important things Jesus ever told us to do.
So you want to read the Bible.
Where do you start?
Have you ever wanted to read the Bible, but you just didn't know where to start?
The Bible can seem so big and intimidating. We don't even know where to begin, so many times we simply don't begin at all.
This week, learn some simple ideas that will help you both begin reading the Bible more regularly, and get more out of it when you do.
5 Ways to Keep Your Spiritual Temperature Hot After Easter
Easter is over. What now?
For you, Lent may have been an incredible season of spiritual growth. You were focused on your relationship with God. Fasting from things. Investing more time in prayer and Scripture. But what now?
Here are some ideas for how you can keep growing spiritually in the weeks and months following Easter.